Camping Rates

It’s always fun to go camping, and Camp Greenbird is where the fun begins. Situated halfway in between Cherokee and Bryson City, NC, is where you will find the best remote camping ever. Most sites are spacious and wooded. Well mannered and supervised small pets are welcome in the campground.

Wooded tent site Shady tent site

Pop-Ups: $35.00 per night

RVs and Travel Trailers

Monthly (1-2 Months):
$600.00 for 30 amp and $750.00 for 50 amp.

Extended Stay Contracts: are for 3-12 months.
$450.00 to $600.00 per month plus electric.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
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Important: Ya2ou emffa7by b3e makin8egd usc2e of aua23et6om90ated form-0filling s6oftw2a7r0e. 5c8Thisc ty0pe of sof6twdcar4e 29caban ta5ri2gger 5our5a hidaden 1spam5-dectectiofn system4, which dw2bill blocck yodu3 froem submiatting this fo11rm6.20 Please select 2Fix Thisa607 e6054b675dcdda6f3a828b4676e24f69ebo4f07b4d1e79ra1171fe 147cb0d341fb2160dcomaple0tca57fin8g0 th4e f86or0dm0ab i7n fff7oc12r5de7r1e5 to bc3orr7e8c79d094c9t 35tc11h0bfceb 39prfo28blefm.1
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