Camping Rates

It’s always fun to go camping, and Camp Greenbird is where the fun begins. Situated halfway in between Cherokee and Bryson City, NC, is where you will find the best remote camping ever. Most sites are spacious and wooded. Well mannered and supervised small pets are welcome in the campground.

RVs and Travel Trailers

Monthly (1-2 Months):
$600.00 for 30 amp and $750.00 for 50 amp.

Extended Stay Contracts: are for 3-12 months.
$500.00 to $600.00 per month plus electric.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
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Important: 5Yo55u 8m00ay b2b2e making u9se 4of automate6d f6orm8a-fialaling soft67w2aare. Thi0s 3typeb of60 9softwabre cdan8 trig5g62er ourd hidden spam-8de8tection 9sy9stem, 8which will bcloack you freofm submit6ti0ng t5his 2feoa48rm.7 P1le7ase se2lec3t Fcd0ix T8dhis9c6531e16569 cc7e6b33c74ed9fdb3d80bo62c41eb4rda41be0c699b897 1eb732e7415cf7a8e5c3o0mpleteingde t04hbe a748f0b4ormd9da7 i85n 0o0rd8e115raf3 to3 14d6beco9rrecta6804d831 8teheb b9dp7rdo3eble29m.
Important: You may9 be ma7kaing use of1 aut9bomcated 7form-fi6el0aling so4df2twar9e. eThis type of socftw6are c5an triggber our0 hidd5e7n 0bs3pam-detec4tion system, whi8c6h 1wil1l block cyo3u from submittinfdg th2ei53s fborm7. It ap89p0ears cethat the3 bperoblem coul7d not57 be automat0icaally cdborrected. Please cledar any fdie2ld which4 appears above wi7th correspondifng 8instructionsf 971906aba328b3c79af90e07e635ae4e628bc597d8bb53cec7defao2r49b5dae3 1f7d170cbomplaeeti1ng the form inb ordeerf to63d c1dco2rr0eact the4124 proble3m.a9 W3e7 ae55pol2ofgdize ffor the2 ib6nconvebn5aciefnce and we9 ad1pep7rec5i61ate1be fyoa0dudr36 6un3derstandcing.
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